by Bob McCarthy | Oct 2, 2009 | Copywriting, Direct Mail, Direct Marketing, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Survey Marketing
We’re all familiar with that age-old stereotype of a salesman – that back-slapping, fast-talking charmer who won’t let you get a word in edgewise. Problem is that stereotype doesn’t work anymore. Good sales people aren’t talkers at all – they’re listeners. And the...
by Bob McCarthy | Oct 2, 2009 | Copywriting, Direct Mail, Direct Marketing, General, Lead Generation, Lead Nurturing
Marketers are getting mixed messages on this topic. Which is more effective for my marketing challenge: short letters vs. long letters. Intuitively, it would seem that short letters are preferred because most people don’t like reading that much. But direct...
by Bob McCarthy | Sep 29, 2009 | Lead Generation
In the past 20 years or so, I have developed my share of lead generation programs for a wide variety of businesses using a wide variety of media and formats. As a first step, I usually try to find out how the client defines a sales lead. Often the definition will vary...
by Bob McCarthy | Sep 29, 2009 | Lead Generation
I have a problem with the concept of advertising campaigns, marketing campaigns, direct mail campaigns and the email marketing campaigns. Ad campaigns typically involve a single ad or a series of ads that run over several weeks or several months. Direct mail and email...
by Bob McCarthy | Sep 29, 2009 | Copywriting, Direct Mail, Direct Marketing, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Lead Nurturing
It’s where most lead generation programs fail. It seems so odd in a way. You spend all this money generating a sales lead – some leads can cost upwards of $50-$100 apiece – and then you just turn it over to the sales force. Problem is there’s generally very little...
by Bob McCarthy | Sep 29, 2009 | Copywriting, Direct Mail, Direct Marketing, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Lead Nurturing, Online Advertising
One of the most fundamental direct mail strategy questions you need to ask before you begin a direct marketing program is the following: “How will this promotion (this mailing or this ad) fit into our sales process?” Will it provide a lead for a sales person (lead...