by Bob McCarthy | Feb 18, 2015 | General, Lead Generation, Web Marketing
What’s not to love about search engine marketing? As a direct response marketer, I spend a lot of time worrying about my target audience – trying to find the right list or the right media for my outreach campaigns. It’s an uphill battle because no...
by Bob McCarthy | Jan 8, 2015 | Direct Mail, Direct Marketing, General, Lead Generation, Print Advertising, TV Advertising
Direct response is a powerful marketing discipline that brings measurable results and accountability to your advertising and marketing. What’s not to like about that? So why don’t more marketers use it in their advertising? More to the point, why...
by Bob McCarthy | Nov 28, 2014 | Copywriting, Direct Mail, Direct Marketing, Email Marketing, General, Lead Generation, Lead Nurturing, Online Advertising, Print Advertising, Survey Marketing, TV Advertising, Web Marketing
It used to be that when you talked about sales leads, the focus was always on lead quantity – getting more leads. High response rates always seem to rule the day. But at some point, marketers began to realize lead quantity isn’t enough. You also need to consider the...
by Bob McCarthy | Nov 5, 2014 | Copywriting, Direct Mail, Direct Marketing, Email Marketing, General, Lead Generation, Lead Nurturing, Online Advertising, Print Advertising, Survey Marketing, Web Marketing
As marketers, most of us spend a lot of time worrying about of the “front end” of our marketing efforts. Advertising campaigns … direct mail campaigns … email campaigns … search campaigns … PR campaigns … content marketing campaigns … trade show campaigns … etc., etc....
by Bob McCarthy | Oct 26, 2014 | Copywriting, Direct Mail, Direct Marketing, Email Marketing, General, Lead Generation, Online Advertising, Print Advertising, TV Advertising, Web Marketing
The free trial offer is one of the most common types of direct response offers. You see it everywhere – online, in print, on TV and radio. The free trial offer has been around forever. And for certain products or services, the free trial will always have great...
by Bob McCarthy | Oct 10, 2014 | Copywriting, Direct Mail, Direct Marketing, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Online Advertising, Print Advertising, TV Advertising
Would you know great advertising if you saw it? How would you recognize it? What criteria do you use to assess the effectiveness of a TV commercial, a print ad or a direct mail piece? What in your mind should great advertising accomplish? ——- We all have...