by Bob McCarthy | Jul 25, 2013 | Copywriting, Direct Mail, Direct Marketing, General, Lead Generation, Lead Nurturing, Online Advertising, Web Marketing
All copywriters struggle with word choice. Sometimes it’s trying to find the right word or phrase to precisely and concisely convey a specific point. Other times, it’s trying to choose from a variety of words that seem to say the same thing. For the latter, it may...
by Bob McCarthy | Jul 2, 2013 | Direct Marketing, Email Marketing, General, Lead Generation, Lead Nurturing, Online Advertising, Web Marketing
One of the major advantages we have today is that so much of your marketing can be automated. The idea of setting up a system once and then putting it on auto-pilot is very appealing. And the good news is you don’t need an expensive marketing automation system...
by Bob McCarthy | Jun 24, 2013 | Direct Mail, Direct Marketing, Email Marketing, General, Lead Generation, Lead Nurturing
Many marketing executives like to keep things simple: Find a marketing strategy that works – and repeat. I subscribe to this approach myself – for the most part. But I also recognize the importance of market segmentation – and that not all customers have...
by Bob McCarthy | May 21, 2013 | Bob McCarthy's Blog, Copywriting, Direct Mail, Direct Marketing, General, Lead Generation
As marketers, it’s so easy to fall in love with a direct mail format. A nicely designed mailer comes across your desk and you like what you see – and you think, “This could work for me to.” Well, it might work for you – but it might not...
by Bob McCarthy | Apr 25, 2013 | General, Lead Generation, Online Advertising, Print Advertising
If you’ve been running traditional offline print advertising – in local newspapers, magazines or trade journals – chances are you’ve been subject to your share of sales pitches asking you to move some or all of your advertising online. Often these pitches come from...
by Bob McCarthy | Jan 21, 2013 | Bob McCarthy's Blog, Copywriting, Direct Mail, Direct Marketing, Email Marketing, General, Lead Generation, Web Marketing
Testing is one of the most-preached and least-practiced activities in marketing. What is your excuse for not testing? Everyone pays lip service to testing, but how many actually do it? Very few, in my opinion. The only marketers who actually use testing on a...