New – Lead Generation

Use lead generation to feed your funnel with new sales leads

McCarthy & King Marketing offers a comprehensive lead generation, or demand generation, process that uses a combination of direct marketing, online marketing and offline marketing to produce sales leads for your sales team.

Sales Lead Sytem

Lead Generation

There is no single right way to generate a sales lead.

You may have always relied on one tactic, but the reality is that sales leads can come from pretty much any type of marketing activity – from direct mail and advertising to trade shows and press releases to pay per click and social media.

The goal is to track the source of all your leads so you can decide where to invest your lead generation budget next year.

Options for lead generation

Direct Marketing Direct marketing is a powerful lead generation tactic because you pre-select and match your target audience to your customer profile.  And once you have a mailing or two under you belt, you can adjust your quantities to produce a predictable flow of new sales leads every week, every month or every quarter.
Online Marketing Online lead generation comes from two main sources – (1) free (organic) search which is the result of SEO, blogging and social media, and (2) paid search which is the pay-per-click method of advertising on the search engines as well as other websites and blogs.
Offline Marketing Offline lead generation brings you back to some of the traditional, but still effective, forms of marketing. It includes direct response advertising print publications (newspapers, magazines and trade journals), inserts, shared mail as well as exhibiting at a trade show or sending out press releases.


Learn more our Lead Generation services

If you’d like to learn more about our Lead Generation services, call Bob McCarthy at 508-473-8643 or


Working with us

If you are interested in working with us, we offer two types of service engagements – monthly Programs and individual Projects.

Programs are best used for continuing work involving multiple marketing activities.  Projects are a good way to get started and get acquainted.


Resources related to Lead Generation

Article – The big picture of lead generation

Article – How to define a sales lead 

Report – Step by Step Lead Generation & Lead Nurturing