Generate leads. Book appointments. Acquire customers.

Too often, when people think about their marketing, they think about things like Google Ads or Facebook Ads or Social Media Posting or Email Marketing or Direct Mail.
All those “campaigns” are important, but they are only the first step in what should be a multi-step marketing system.
That’s how marketing works today – for B2B and B2C businesses. Of all sizes.
You generate leads through campaigns and then you qualify/nurture/engage those leads using your automated lead funnel.
With the right funnel in place, you will close the hot leads today and and you’ll close those warm leads sometime down the road – and nothing ever slips through the cracks.
Before you spend another dime on your next marketing campaign, make sure you have your funnel in place.

It starts with your funnel – or at least it should
Hi, I’m Bob McCarthy. I have spent most of my career generating leads for my clients using a combination of direct mail, digital marketing and sometimes even print.
But what I’ve learned over the years is that while these campaigns are important, the real focus should be on what happens AFTER the lead comes in.
Introducing Funnels First.
Funnels First is a simple marketing strategy that says get your follow-up process (your funnel) in place BEFORE you start generating leads.
It’s only common sense. You don’t want to spend time and money generating new leads if you don’t have a way to properly manage those leads. Too many leads will either fall through the cracks or at least not get the attention they need to convert them into customers.
On this website, you’ll see we create Lead Generation and Lead Nurturing programs using three groups of services – Direct Marketing, Digital Marketing and Automated Lead Funnels.
We look forward to helping you.
Direct Marketing
Nothing beats the targeting of one-to-one direct mail. Let us create and execute an ongoing direct mail program that connects with your target audiences and delivers consistent results every time.
Digital Marketing
Digital marketing brings many marketing opportunities to your business – from SEO and paid search ads to banner ads and social media – all of which can tracked, measured and improved.
Lead Funnels
Lead funnels help marketers build relationships with their new leads as they pass through the sales process. With landing pages, drip email and retargeting ads, let’s keep you top of mind.
Download our FREE Guide

FREE Strategy Session
Looking for ways to begin or improve your direct mail or digital marketing? Need help building your lead funnel?
We offer a FREE 60-minute Strategy Session (via Zoom) where we will take time to learn about you, your business and your sales/marketing needs. We will then walk you through the entire process focusing only those parts that are relevant to you.
There’s no obligation. It’s just an opportunity to get to know each other, and hopefully give you some ideas for moving forward.